Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle

Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle, governor of New France 1665-72 (b in France 1626; d there 24 Oct 1698). Courcelle, a nobleman and a military officer, arrived at Québec "breathing nothing but war" and determined to defeat the powerful Iroquois Confederacy.

Courcelle, Daniel de Rémy de

Daniel de Rémy de Courcelle, governor of New France 1665-72 (b in France 1626; d there 24 Oct 1698). Courcelle, a nobleman and a military officer, arrived at Québec "breathing nothing but war" and determined to defeat the powerful Iroquois Confederacy. In the winter of 1666, he led an ill-fated expedition into the Mohawk country, losing many men to cold and hunger but failing to engage the enemy. A second attack later that year established the French for the first time as the principal power in the Great Lakes area. In civil matters, Courcelle quarrelled frequently with the INTENDANT, Jean TALON.